Doing Business with Chu Níikwän
Chu Níikwän Limited Partnership is building a diverse portfolio of strategic investments to generate wealth and prosperity for the Kwanlin Dun First Nation (KDFN). Land, financial capital and a commitment to a long-term return on investments makes Chu Niikwan a valuable partner in the Yukon. Kwanlin Dun First Nation is currently the only Yukon First Nation eligible to utilize the Yukon Territorial Land Titles Office for fully transferable Certificates of Lease Hold Title which may be bought and sold where eligible purchasers can qualify for mortgages and other financial options offered by financial institutions.
McIntyre Commercial Gas Station Development, secured with Petro Canada as a tenant.
Haeckel Hill Wind Project by Eagle Hill LP, a 100% FN owned and operated development through Chu Níikwän and it’s management partner, Northern Energy Capital.
A Wind River project completed by River's Edge, a Chu Níikwän partnership with Vuntut LP.
LNG Plant, a KDFN Chapter 22 implementation completed by Chu Niikwan LP.
Partnership Opportunities
Chu Níikwän has developed numerous partnerships in the real estate, energy and construction sectors.
Chu Níikwän LP and Northwestel have partnered to build a new Yukon headquarters for the northern Canadian telecommunications company, expected to be completed in 2024.
“Chu Níikwän LP have been excellent, collaborative partners to work with on this modern, energy efficient headquarters supporting our high-tech northern work force. We are honored to work with a First Nation partner to provide benefits for our northern community for decade to come.”
President, Northwestel
Yukon Energy Corporation
Chu Níikwän is an investor in Yukon Energy Corporation’s backup LNG generation capacity. Currently, Chu Níikwän is working with Yukon Energy Corporation on the provision of real estate for YEC’s battery storage project, an innovative and critical component of YEC’s energy infrastructure.
“Yukon Energy values the positive and professional relationship that has been established with Chu Niikwan. CNLP has delivered on several successful projects and we have confidence in a future of working together".”
President & CEO, Yukon Energy Corporation
Petro Canada
Chu Níikwän is developing a new service station and convenience store, in collaboration with KAR Group, one of western Canada’s leading independently-owned gas / convenience station developer operating under the Petro Canada brand.
Wildstone Construction & Engineering
Chu Níikwän, through its construction management arm, Canyon City Construction, is working with Wildstone on the construction of KDFN’s Community Hub. This $30 million development will serve as a gathering space for the KDFN community.
“Wildstone is a proud partner of CNLP and has found tremendous value in working with CNLP and its partner companies. We are excited to continue to build on this relationship and provide new opportunities to more KDFN citizens.”
President, Wildstone Construction
Northerm Windows and Doors
Chu Níikwän is an investor in RAB Energy Group Inc., a Yukon First Nation-owned, for-profit corporation whose trademark, Northerm and Capitol Glass, are in the business of providing the highest quality windows, doors, glass and related building products to consumers throughout the North with emphasis on superior service, the well-being of employees, customers, owners, and the environment.
Kilrich Enterprises
Chu Níikwän is an investor in Kilrich Building Centres, an independent, Yukon-owned business, based in Whitehorse, YT that has been providing building materials to northern builders since 1977.
“CNLP is a key threefold partner, supporter, and provider for Kilrich Industries. We have been fortunate to have supplied materials on a number of significant developments, and CNLP has always been diligent and honest in their dealings. As a shareholder of Kilrich Industries, CNLP has provided leadership and supported the business to grow rapidly over the last decade. Additionally CNLP has provided Kilrich with outstanding service when contracted by us as a vendor.”
CEO, Kilrich Building Centres
Vuntut Development Corporation
CNLP owns several commercial and residential buildings as well as prime waterfront land in partnership with Vuntut Development Corporation. It's a strong partnership between the Yukon’s far North and the urban centre of Whitehorse.
“Professional, honest and intelligent group of business personnel who can provide you with services, land and make great partners. CNLP has grown to be a large influence in the Yukon Business community and we are proud to be one of their many partners”
CEO, VUNTUT Development Corporation